Two Prime
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Bringing Abundance to
the Crypto Industry

We need to rethink the way we approach blockchain in order to professionalize the industry. Two Prime bridges the best practices of traditional finance and crypto, resulting in a fusion of old and new.

Two Prime focuses on what works best in crypto - Finance

The industry is at a crossroads. Crypto has succeeded:

  1. As a store of value,
  2. At rapid fund formation,
  3. At Stablecoins.
The industry will mature by focusing upon the strengths of crypto and these killer apps of exchanges.

A New Breed:
The FF Macro Token™

Two Prime has pioneered a new token type – the FF Macro Token™ (FF Token). The FF1 Macro Token is a store of value supported by a fractional reserve of blockchain industry assets. The token does not entitle holders to any assets, rights, claims of ownership, or any other economic right. At the discretion of Two Prime, assets may be used to buy back tokens. As such, the price of the token is determined by supply and demand store of value dynamics and is not reflective of any NAV or underlying asset value.

The Continuous Token Offering™:

A Continuous Token Offering™ describes the sale and buy back policy implemented in this store of value token. Tokens are added and removed from circulation as supply and demand dynamics dictate in order to maintain the desired store of value function of a Macro Token™.
The FF1 Macro Token™ is trading now on Bithumb Global.
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Dr. Marc Fleury
Marc was born in Paris, France. After earning his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from the French École Polytechnique, for work he did as a visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Marc was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of open-source software company JBoss. Marc raised $10 million of venture capital and sold JBoss to Red Hat for $420 million in April 2006. In retirement, Marc went back to research, including Biology and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). In finance, he published MMT research on endogenous monetary growth under Basel regulation, and successfully operated hedge fund synthetic strategies as a proprietary fund manager throughout the 2008 financial crisis.
Alexander S. Blum
Alexander is a finance and technology leader. Alexander has led blockchain hedge funds and startups for 7+ years, developing Atomic Capital, a cryptocurrency mining operation, an AI-Crypto Hedge Fund, and leading projects at both Fortune 500s and prominent blockchain start-ups. Alexander has written for Forbes, The Pacific Council on International Policy, The Huffington Post, and Seeking Alpha and spoken at events around the globe.
Erik Stenflo
Erik is a veteran Software Engineer turned entrepreneur. With a focus on prediction engines, distributed systems, and blockchain protocols, Erik has helped many startups solve complex problems and bring their offerings to the market. He studied Computer Science at the University of Colorado prior to entering the tech space during the dot-com era where he became a key player in The Dante Group, a small startup that became acquired by webMethods. Later, he joined Software AG, where he received his training wheels in artificial intelligence. When Erik is not busy solving problems or contributing to Open Source, he spends his time producing music and collaborating with artists.